It is the end of your day, you either just got home from work or you work from home and shut down your computer. You look around and see dirty dishes in the sink and the mess of kids toys on the floor. You have to make dinner, maybe do laundry, uber your kids to all of their activities, and possibly more work to do.
Americans live their lives in a constant state of hustle here and there. Do this, do that. A lot of people, myself included get caught up in the glorification of busyness of life.
When I traveled to Europe when I was younger everyone lived a more relaxed life. They shut towns down for World Cup soccer. They have longer holiday breaks, take more vacation time, and even maternity and paternity leave.
Burnout is the state of mind that comes with long-term, unresolved stress that can negatively affect your work and your life.
*** All of these statistics and research are pre-COVID! Can you imagine what these statistics are now?!?!
A 2018 Gallup study of nearly 7,500 full-time employees found that 23 percent reported feeling burned out at work very often or always, while an additional 44 percent reported feeling burned out sometimes. Additionally, nearly 40% of workers are so burned out that they’re on the verge of quitting.
In fact, burnout has become such a widespread problem that there’s even an official diagnosis for it.
In 2018, researchers from the University of Montreal dug into data from a study that followed 2,026 workers (about half of whom were women) from 63 workplaces for four years.
The researchers concluded that, while both men and women experience burnout, gender shapes the “environmental and individual pathways to burnout.” The lead author of the study explained, “Our results show that there are differences between men and women because, from the outset, employees are subject to different working conditions depending on their gender.”
A Harris Poll survey revealed that while about the same percentage of women and men reported feeling burned out in their work life, 35% of women told the Harris Poll they felt burned out at home, compared to only 25% of men. 48% of the women surveyed said their burnout is so extreme it keeps them up at night.
Research finds that certain personality traits, like being a Type A, high-achiever can also contribute to burnout, being a new mom, a mom, an entrepreneur, students, and right now front line workers, teachers, and again parents working from home and home schooling their kids during the pandemic.
Since the Covid pandemic started more and more moms and parents are becoming burnt out at home and in their day to day life. Students are more stressed and burnt out, teachers no doubt are burnt out.
Symptoms of burnout
Burnout is now an officially classified syndrome and has its own set of symptoms. They’re as follows:
Physical and emotional exhaustion
Cynicism about your work/company/role/industry
Detachment or alienation from work-related activities
Headaches or stomach aches and/or intestinal pain
Reduced creativity
Chest pains
Increased susceptibility to illness
Difficulty sleeping and/or eating properly
You are always getting sick
Some subtle signs that burnout is creeping up on you can also include:
The feeling that every day is a bad day
Caring about your work or home life seems like a total waste of energy
You’re exhausted all the time
The majority of your day is spent on tasks you find either mind-numbingly dull or overwhelming
You feel like nothing you do makes a difference or is appreciated
If that sounds like you, you might be experiencing “burnout,” and you’re not the only one.
One of my main goals as a Holistic Health Coach is to help busy, burned out professionals prioritize their health so they can thrive at life!
I help people slow down, take better care of themselves, and live a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Self-Care To Avoid and Help With Burnout:
Daily To Do's - Warm water with lemon, meditation, gratitude journal. ( Morning Me Time)
Read, Pray, Meditate
Drink plenty of water
Get outside
Simplify your life. Delegate and ask for help
Set boundaries and say no.
Get a hobby or creative outlet
Random acts of kindness.
Laugh. Watch funny tv shows or youtube videos.
Eat whole nutrition food that make your body feel good.
Take a social media break.
Make a list of your accomplishments
Get plenty of sleep.
Practice yoga.
Go for a walk.
Hang out with family or friends