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How To Manage Back To School Anxiety During A Pandemic.

Each year when the end of August comes I get sad when kids return back to school. This year has brought on a whole new meaning to stress and worry.

You would think that the kids being home almost 6 months because of a global pandemic, I would be ready. What started out as a 2 week stay at home orders turned into virtual home schooling for the remainder of 2020 school year.

Our district has a choice, we the parents can choose to send our kids all 5 days or they do virtual learning all 5 days. I have had many nights up worrying if my husband and I made the right choice.

Now here we are, in exactly one week they will be off back to in classroom teaching at their schools. I am not ready at all. We do not have our school supplies yet, we still need to get some back to school clothes, new shoes, etc.

I know with this global pandemic anxiety and depression have been on the rise. People are worrying about their loved ones not getting sick and themselves, or they are sick, some worrying about job security, some of us took pay cuts and now worrying about financial insecurities.

I try to always come back to some things that work to ground me and bring me back to a place of peace and gratitude. I have a list of things I try to do daily and some back to school preparation and traditions we do with the kids.

** I am not a doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. These are not to take place of medicine your doctor prescribed or talk therapy.

  1. Workout. Run, walk, HIIT, yoga, hike, swim, move your body.

  2. Meditate.

  3. Practice gratitude. Every morning or night list 5-10 things you're grateful for.

  4. Essential oils. I use Young Living because they own their own farms and have 3rd party test all the oils for impurities, and contaminants. My favorite oils are Lavender, Frankincense, Valor, Stress Away, White Angelica, and Joy.

  5. Crystals. I started last year getting a grounding and protection crystal for the kids and putting them in their backpacks. I did this again this year crystals for calming, protection and stress. I like to shop at

  6. Breathe deeply. Take a break and practice different breathing techniques. In yoga there are 5 different techniques or Pranayama techniques. My favorite is Kumbhaka (breath retention) I like to start by inhaling through my nose for a count of 5-8 then hold my breath at the top for same amount between 5-8 counts, then exhale same amount, and finally hold your breath again at the bottom for a count of 5-8 and repeat.

  7. Stop scrolling. Take a Facebook and Instagram break.

  8. Yoga. Yoga has so many mental and physical benefits.

  9. Reach out. If things are getting worse and you're unable to pull yourself out of all the anxiety call and talk to a professional.

  10. Make a vision board for the upcoming school year. If we are stressed our kids will see it and feed off of us. If we do something together looking forward to the new school year ahead its a great way to bond but also they enjoy creating their own vision board of what goals they have.

Talking with your friends and others is great too. This is new for all of us. Whether we are virtual learning from home, kids are doing a hybrid of in person and online, or all in the classroom it will be different this year. We are all in this together so stock up on some wine have your bestie nearby and know we got this. I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and safe school year!

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