148: Manifesting Q&A with Rebecca Wilson
Rebecca is a medical intuitive, manifestation coach, and motivational speaker.
ONCE UPON A TIME, Rebecca was someone who didn't know who she was, what she wanted, or even why she was here. The majority of her life was spent being a people pleaser and trading approval for authenticity. Until... Manifesting came along...
Rebecca finally found her purpose, helping Mamma's fall head over heels in love with their life again.
Rebecca is a woman on a manifesting mission. She hopes to be known for bringing a level of sparkle to Mamma's stepping out of their spiritual closet and stepping into the worthy A.F version of themselves!!
On today's episode Nikki and Rebecca talk about:
What is manifesting
If you have to be spiritual to manifest.
Reasons people don't get what they want when manifesting
What is intuition and living intuitively mean
Can our limiting beliefs make us sick and create health issues
and more....
Rebecca has been so generous to give Fit, Fun, and Frazzled listeners 50% off Rise and Bloom Manifesting Course! Head to http://rebecca-wilson-1.showit.site/bloom and add WORTHYAF2023 in at checkout🙌
Find Rebecca online:
Website: http://rebecca-wilson-1.showit.site
Instagram: www.instagram.com/manifestation.mamma
Podcast: Spiritual & Rich on iTunes/Apple, Spotify, and any major podcast platform
Nikki Yoga and Wellness:
1:1 Holistic Health Coaching + Personal Trainer
** Right now before this opens to the public Fit, Fun, and Frazzled Podcast listeners and email subscribers get early access. Fill out the form below.
** On 3/27 this will open to the public. I am only taking on a few clients and spots will fill quickly. Don’t miss out on this early access.
Sakara - 20% off for Fit, Fun, and Frazzled Listeners head to www.sakara.com and enter code XONIKKIWELLNESS at checkout. Or head right to https://www.sakara.com/discount/XONIKKIWELLNESS
Find Nikki online:
Website: www.nikkiyogaandwellness.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fitfunandfrazzledpodcast www.instagram.com/nikkilanigan.yogaandwellness