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Spring Equinox

The Beatles sang, "Here Comes the Sun" and here we are, The Spring Equinox. The perfect balance between light and dark and slowly staying lighter longer. This is a time of planting the seed and awakening to the new and bringing a new perspective into any area of your life.

Each day following the Spring equinox sees an increase in daylight (in the Northern Hemisphere) up until the next seasonal event of the Summer solstice.

This is the perfect time for " Spring Cleaning". The Equinox is a perfect time of year for turning over a new leaf. Too much clutter can feel disorganized or even chaotic, and it can create feelings of being physically or emotionally heavy. If you want to move forward with a clean slate, decluttering is the way to go. Go through your shelves and drawers and remove anything non-essential. Clear out old clothes you don’t wear and donate them. This is also said that clearing away things can bring in abundance and manifest when we get rid of the old and make room and space for something new.

Along with spring cleaning, this is a wonderful time for a space clearing. Space clearing is often practiced in the spring, after sickness or an illness, divorce, new moon, full moon, and whenever the energy feels heavy in your home. There are various ways of implementing a space clearing but generally, it starts with setting an intention. Perhaps you’d like to incorporate abundance, health or spiritual growth into the new season. Then use sage, Palo Santo or cedar to smudge and clear the space. Make sure to have windows open to clear out the space and it does have a strong sent so you will want to leave the windows open, especially if you have people with sensitive noses. After you have cleared the space, focus on bringing your intention into your space.

Things you can ask yourself and journal.

  1. What seeds would you like to plant and see develop over the next few months?

  2. How can you nurture the seeds you've planted?

Meditation is also a great way to tune into the spring equinox and set your intentions, goals, and plant the seeds.

Springtime is also allergy season. The grass also needs to be cut again and the bees are pollinating like crazy. Tis' the season for hay fever!

Ways to improve Spring allergies naturally:

1. Essential oils. Diffuse them and use topically on your body. Lemon, lavender, and peppermint are great to diffuse together.

2. A teaspoon of LOCAL honey a day. Add it to your tea or just just suck it down. By local, the goal is 20 miles from where you live. Those same bees that are pollinating are making the local honey and over time, your body may become less sensitive to the pollen.

3. Use the netti pot to clear your nose.

4. Run air filters and air purifiers in your home. Change your HVAC air filters too (change these at least twice a year but if you can do quarterly - even better!)

5. Lemon water or diluted ACV (apple cider vinegar) first thing in the morning.

6. Reduce inflammatory foods - many people have a mucous response to dairy, so this would be a good food to reduce when allergies are flared up.

7. Supplements- This is one of the best ways to help improve your immune response to allergies. Vitamin C, Zinc, Probiotics and Juice Plus+ are my go to vitamins and supplements. I have asthma and incorporating Juice Plus+ supplements has greatly helped my asthma which tends to flare during the spring when my allergies are bad.

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